The Wollongong Bulldogs Australian Football Club was born in 2008 off the hard work and dedication of the founding “Dog Father”, Lee Murray. The ‘Doggies’ find their home at Keira Oval Oval in Wollongong and are predominately based in and around the University of Wollongong. The club’s close proximity to the University means that many of our players are students who migrate to Wollongong from all over Australia and, thus, find a home away from home in the club. This is the core of the Doggies culture: a club where all people - no matter their background, beliefs or story - are welcome to play some good football and find enduring support in a second family.
Having played AFL since the early 1990’s, Lee always had a passion for footy. He built the club from the ground up, putting his own time, money and resources into establishing the inaugural Doggies team. He purchased the jumpers, shorts and socks himself and took on the role of coach, captain and major sponsor. A diehard Western Bulldogs AFL fan, Lee’s inspiration for the club colours (and name) came from this inner-west Melbourne club.
A tribute to the drive, commitment and time given by the founding Doggies members, the inaugural mens side won their first premiership in 2008 - the same year that the club began. This success only continued, ingraining the fundamental values of hard-work, sportsmanship and commitment into the club DNA.
After only a few short years the club’s membership grew to over 100 registered players. As at 2023, the Doggies field three men's teams and two women’s teams. We have 165 registered players, including 60 female players. However, this number significantly underrepresents the true scope of the Doggies membership, as there are many more non-playing, honorary Doggies who are essential to the running of the club by taking on coaching roles, scoring, running the canteen and social media, and just being present around the club.
Since 2008, 8 premierships have been won by Doggies teams, including a 2019 Premiership by the women’s side. The women’s club had their first season on the field in 2018. The growth of the women’s club has been exponential and is a direct result of the Doggies’ support and dedication to getting girls onto the field in a traditionally male-dominated area.
We have a vast membership base who not only enjoy playing football together, but love to spend time together outside of the footy field and have regular social events to foster intra-club relationships. Although we are a young and successful Australian Football Club, this success is not just an attribute of sheer talent but is the result of the club’s overall culture. Playing skilled and successful football is important to the Doggies but it is not the cornerstone of the club; the community is. There is a lot to say for happiness leading to success and the proof is in this club. The Doggies have built a community that is like no other and this, naturally, has translated to our success on the field.